Honour to the honorary office in the association work and in the association life
Without volunteering no association
As you can already read in the blog post, Vassociation and club life is of great importance to us. Without whom is it therefore not at all possible? Correct, the Volunteer work!
Laut einer Definition is the Volunteer work an [honorary] (especially public) office, which is mainly performed without payment and has its origin in general interpersonal help. Many offices in the association life can only be exercised with the help of volunteers.
With Grigra's we want to help the voluntary work and the volunteers
What is volunteerism and what values are lived in volunteerism and in association work?
The >strong>Volunteerism is lived out in the community and is an activity that is voluntary, charitable and unpaid. One takes on a responsibility, since associations of people who take on a Volunteerism need the interest in the activity and reliability to carry it out properly. Of course, you also have to be self-reflective and have both a sense of duty and moral courage to carry out the volunteerism. ">">">">volunteer work". These include the amount of time on how many days and for how many hours the voluntary work is to be carried out. In addition, you should also keep yourself informed about the reimbursement of expenses, insurance cover and further training opportunities made possible by volunteer association work.
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